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Thursday, November 12, 2015

Day 3: How to write the right thing at the right time

Our first full day of breakout sessions was amazing! I learned 10 tips for better writing that I would like to share.

1. KISS- Keep It Simple Stupid. When writing it is best to keep it simple and consistent. This makes it easier for the reader to understand what you are communicating

2. Trim the Fat- Don't use too many words or the wrong words. This means that proofing the paper, article or blog post is a must

3. Answer the 5 W's - Who, what, when, where, why. This gives the reader the back story so they are able to connect the dots of the story

4. Design your Draft- This means you should know what key messages you will use, what type of story will be told, what links are to be used and

5. Call to Action- If there is no call for the reader to act then the writing has been in vain. As PR people, we are calling people to action.

6. Use Real, Everyday Words- Cliche or big words do not help your case when writing. Simple words allow each person to understand your message.

7. Mind your Grammar- Make sure you are using the right grammar at the correct place. Grammar and punctuation flaws cause readers to question your reputation

8. Know your Audience- Be sure to write in ways that appeal to your audience.

9. Find your Focus

10. Proof. Proof. Proof.

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